So I Graduated… Now What?

“Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart”

 -Steve Jobs, Stanford University, 2005

Sorry to keep everyone waiting so long at the edge of your seats for so long but guess what!? I officially received my Bachelors degree! Now what you ask? Well I applied, I interviewed, and I got into graduate school! I am now currently working on my master’s degree and I am loving every ridiculous minute of it. I have never felt so welcome and like I belong. It’s been a long time coming and a hard road but completely worth it. So yeah, I am officially wrapping up my first semester of graduate school looking forward to what opportunities the summer classes bring. I have had a hard semester with some personal issues and I would like to bring them to light in a more positive manner over the next few blog posts I intend to do. I also would love to take suggestions on things that others may want to hear about regarding my experiences or advice on experiences of your own.

I wanted to include that opening quote from Steve Job’s graduation speech at Stanford University because it really speaks to me. Really what do we have to lose other than living an unfulfilled life? If you haven’t yet heard his entire speech please watch it! It is amazing and wonderfully insightful. It made me look at myself and my goals in a whole new way.  Below is the link:

I hope that with my new posts I can inspire others who are facing similar challenges as well as encourage those who may be lost.

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7 things… A Look Back on College

Well here I am back to blogging. I know it’s been a while, over an entire year in-fact. Sorry to keep you waiting. Any who here’s a quick update on me, myself, and I. So I’m finishing up my college degree at the best university known to mankind (yeah I’m still pretty bias). This place has taught me a lot about myself and shown me how strong my relationships with people can become. I feel like here I have found myself and have been given the opportunity to make some of my dreams a reality and the knowledge to one day make the rest of my dreams come true. Since this is an anonymous blog I can’t divulge too much information about myself but I will say that I am a senior due to graduate in the fall. I intend to go on and receive a Master’s Degree and maybe one day a Ph.D.

I have gone to class, taken tests, attended meetings, and I can tell you right now as I sit in at my computer it doesn’t always prepare you for the reality that hits your last year of college. Experiencing things is what has taught me the most. I guess the focus for this post has led me towards what college has taught me. So aside from all the exams and essays here is what I have learned:

  1. You’re going to fail. Yeah I know kinda harsh right? But you are. It could be anything from asking someone out on a date and being turned down, or that test you study for weeks for and it just didn’t turn out how you expected. For me it was a class. Yep I failed a class. Failing a class is not the end of the world for most people unless you’re already facing a low GPA then things can get messy. I learned a lot in the class that I failed but the professors tests did not work in my favor. Failing that class lead me to my current major and opened up a world of opportunity for me.
  2. You’ll probably change your major once or twice. I know a lot of people who come to college knowing what they want to do and do it with everything they have. I also know a lot of people who start one path and find another along the way. For me I changed my major about 3 times. All of them were within my interests it was just really hard for me to narrow down.
  3. It might take longer that 4 years! No one wants to be in school longer than expected but I can tell you from experience attempting to complete college in 4 years is difficult or any major. It is becoming more and more common for students to take 5 years to complete a degree versus the expected 4 years. So take that victory lap and have a little fun!
  4. Try new things! I know your parents probably tell you this all the time. Take it from me, it can be very scary at first but you’ll be glad you did. I didn’t start to branch out until my junior year and I am so thankful I did. I have met some really awesome people by and just trying new things.
  5. Make some memories. Let me rephrase that make some memories when you have time and don’t have assignments due. This can tie into trying new things as well. I am always working on school and working so my friends and I go to dinner once a week to ensure that we stay in touch with each other. Those nights out with them I made some wonderful memories that I will take with me forever.
  6. Don’t start studying the night before. If you haven’t already, you will eventually have to pull an all nighter. Not waiting until the last minute can greatly cut down on having to stay up all night. Taking a test will little to no sleep is not very easy.
    Stay confident in yourself. Staying confident even when I was scared to death got me through a lot of tough times. There were days when all the negative in my life tried to tell me I wasn’t good enough to do something, but in reality all I had to believe I could do it and I did it.
  7. Most Importantly: You can graduate college!!! For some people this may not apply your parents and grandparents attended college and it’s just in your genes that you will make it through no problem in 4 years. For others like me it was a struggle and not many of my family members have completed college leaving such high expectations from the beginning. You can do it! I promise!

“If you can dream it, you can do it! –Walt Disney”

Thanks for reading. Please leave a comment with other things you have learned through college or any suggestions you might have for a future post! 🙂

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Short and Sweet

Keep your words short and sweet, because you never know which ones you will have to eat. -Unknown

Last night I was lying in bed thinking about what I am experiencing that could be conveyed into a positive or encouraging message.  As I looked to my Twitter and Facebook I realized the overwhelming amount of negativity and hateful comments. It saddens me to see people day to day who seem like nice people but when they are hiding behind a phone or computer they turn into a person I’m sure their parents would not approve of.  My hope in covering this topic is to challenge you as a person to look inward and asses how you choose to portray yourself by the comments you make.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. -Ephesians 4:29-32

This verse speaks volumes. Be Kind! Forgive one another! Next time you go to post something negative or hateful think to yourself, Is it Truthful? Is It Kind? Is it Necessary? If you answer no to even one of these you may want to think, what and why you are posting.

I say all of this because potential employers look at everything you post on Facebook. If they see hateful comments or inappropriate pictures they are not going to jump to higher you. This shows them you have a lack of respect for yourself and others and that is not something they want you to bring into their place of work. This also goes for people applying to Graduate School! Crazy I know but if you can’t project yourself in a professional manner on the internet then to them you cannot be professional enough for them to commit their time to.

Looking away from the topic itself I have been thinking about creating an email address specifically for this blog where people could email me with topics that could be covered or if they just have general question or want to talk about their walk with God.  Thoughts?

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Begin Again

I have been a bad blogger and I have not kept up with this as well as I wanted to.  Around the time of my last post my classes exploded and then one thing lead to another and all of a sudden Christmas Break was over and I’m almost halfway through my spring semester! Whoa! Where did time go?

“But on a Wednesday in a cafe, I watched it begin again” -Taylor Swift

By no means is it Wednesday, but for those do don’t keep up with the days it’s actually Thursday.  The past few days I have pondered the subject of what I would express my feeling over. I heard “Begin Again” by Taylor Swift on the radio yesterday and I found myself thinking about all the new “beginnings” that I have encountered over the last few years. Beginning college, beginning a new relationship, beginning life in a new town, in a new apartment, at a new college… just to name a few. In all these beginnings I have become so wrapped up in keeping things the same that I haven’t really branched out of my comfort zone. One zone in particular being new friends.

“Pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints.” -Ephesians 1:18

I have the same 2 best friends from high school and I know they will forever have my back, as I will continue to have theirs. Things have changed so much in our lives together and they will continue to do so.  I am on a much different path than they are: me pursuing a college education, while they are both newlyweds building a future family. I’m not knocking it by any means I am elated for them and their husbands but marriage not for me just yet. Maybe one day.  I met a few people at the first college I attended and still remain close friends with them. One in particular I started dating and we have been happily dating for 2 years! Not something I ever thought would happen when we first met…but that’s another story for later. A few of the people I met my freshman year of college go to my current college now. We are close but I have found myself hanging out the same one or two people and then befriending their friends. It’s not that I’m a hobbit or anything I just don’t randomly introduce myself to everyone I see.  I did meet a few new people last semester but we only stay in touch through Facebook. Almost everyone I know here knows someone else that I know. Not that it’s a bad thing but out of 25,000 students I feel like I should branch out a little on my own and find my own friends that don’t know me or my “group” from my previous college.

I have thought about making new friends for quite some time and decided to let God lead me to the people he wanted in my life and he did just that. The first was a guy in one of my classes. We ended up being partnered for lab and hit it off great. He is from another state which I always find fascinating. I love talking to people about where they are from.  We ended up running into each other at lunch today and ate together. We talked for over and hour and it was nice just having a friend that no one else knew.

“Never judge a book by it’s cover.”

I also started talking to a girl in my Ethics class today. She was in one of my previous classes from the fall. We never talked in that class and I was actually intimidated by her. She gave off this confidence, she is very pretty and is in a popular sorority I never thought she payed me any attention. Over the past few classes when I would walk in she would smile at me. I felt like it was a nice gesture and was very surprised. Today she leaned over (she sits next to me) and ask “Hey, were you in {our class} last semester?”  “Yeah!” I said and we just started talking as if we had known each other for quite sometime. It was really nice. I began to think to myself about how threatening she seemed to me last semester, but as we talked I began to realize she was just another student like me. I hope that we can become more of friends than just classmates.

I know I will always have my 2 best friends no matter what, but branching out and meeting new people is a enlightening experience. There are so many things that people have to offer and I hope through my remaining semesters at college God will lead me to get a small taste of it all.

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Dressing the Part

I started off thinking about writing this post on the importance of refrigerating ones left overs after cooking dinner (yet another roommate issue). As I began to sit down and think out the words I would say and how I could turn this nasty story into something people could gain useful info from I got a text. That text was from my roommate stating she would be going to an interview and wouldn’t be home when I arrived at the apartment. This lead me to recall the last time she went for an interview, and now here I am about to hopefully inspire and inform those who don’t know, how to properly dress for an interview.

Dressing for an interview for most people should be common sense but for some (my roommate) it may not come so easy. Let me begin by telling you what made me feel so strongly about this topic. On a random day I came in to find my roommate on the couch in her sweatshirt, running, shorts, and crazy looking sandals (these shoes are apparently very comfortable and popular but I can’t find a thing stylish or comfortable about having 500 different strings and bands across one’s foot and ankle). Anyways… I go upstairs and soon I hear her yell “Hey I’m going to interview for (undisclosed position)” I yelled in replay “okay” …thinking to myself does she even have enough time to take on said (undisclosed position)? An hour or so went by and my roommate sullenly appeared back and I realized something… She went to this interview dressed like I last saw her on the couch!! Oh my gosh! What was she thinking? This is an important position representing our college. She didn’t get the position, but who would give someone a position dressed like that? No offense but dressing the part is very important. I thought that was just common knowledge…apparently I am wrong a lot and this was one of those times. I was afraid to directly say anything to her because she can be very touchy and I have until July 2013 to live with her so I thought it best to keep my mouth shut.

So here I am sitting on the couch waiting to see how she walks in dressed from this interview. I pray it isn’t any worse than the last. As I wait I will go over some ways to look professional for an interview. Whether it’s for grad school or for a job any interview is very very important.

The most meaningful advise I got from a professor lecturing me about my grad school interview was about dressing the part. He told me “dressing up in professional attire shows your respect for the place you are interviewing for.”

Guys: For you it’s easy. A suit and tie and you’re good to go. Sometimes guys can also pull off khaki pants with a dress shirt and tie. It really depends on the type of job one is interviewing for but, I feel that a guy at the very least should wear a dress shirt and tie. Hair is another simple thing. Keep you’re hair groomed well, preferably off the collar and clean. There should be little to NO facial hair.

Women: Ideally women should wear a pant suit (dress pants with a matching dress jacket). There are a lot of variations of colors women could wear underneath their jackets but don’t get too crazy, just a simple dress shirt with a solid color will do. Under your own discretion you could decide to wear a dress or skirt in lieu of a pant suit. Be mindful if this dress or skirt is something you would wear to dinner or club with your friends it’s probably not be a good idea. If you must bring a purse make it small. Hair should be neatly groomed but not styled crazy. I suggest a half-up half down hair-do. Shoes are also something I would leave up to your discretion. Heels can look great but are they practical, you don’t want to fall walking into that CEO, or interviewing boards office. Also heels can be a bad choice if you are expected to take a tour around the office. Walking around and breaking a heel could attract unwanted attention from the interviewer. Flats or a very low wedge would be my suggestion. No matter what you chose to do WEAR CLOSE TOED SHOES!

Advise for men and women alike: take out your visible piercings (with the acception of women’s ear lobes only). No one wants to talk to you with that shiny nose ring, eyebrow ring, or that giant bar through your ear. TURN OFF THE CELL PHONE! (better yet don’t take it in with you)

With those handy tips I hope at least one person who reads this knows at least what NOT to do (wearing running shorts and a sweatshirt).

You may know how to dress but now you must act the part… Good Luck

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Finding the Positive

One thing I have learned about living away from home is I am so busy and negativity is always present.

When I first arrived here, I was bored to tears due to being used to having a job. Now though I am busy with school and staying away from other people. There is always something to do. Mainly that something involves the library. I have noticed though that my weekends that I spend away from home are spend staying away from my roommate and her boyfriend. I notice this has happened every weekend since I moved in. Something has got to give. It’s not that I dislike the people I am trying to stay away from it’s just they make it very awkward. We are not similar in any way and have a lot of differences when it comes to our view points on things like: food, money, and cleaning.

Not only though am I seeing things negatively everyone around me always has something mean to say. It hurts to hear people say rude things about others looks, or how they raise their kids. You don’t know a person until you have walked a mile in their shoes. I want to say to these people, “Hey, you don’t know what they are going through. They may not have the money to afford nice things or they may be raising that child alone because their husband/boyfriend is out fighting for our freedom.”

My goal for this coming week is to take the negative energy I feel towards other’s actions and find some way to use it for good.

Using this verse to guide me along the way:

“Lord, when doubts fill my mind, and my heart is in turmoil, quiet me and give me renewed hope and cheer.”  ~Psalm 94:19

I pray that the Lord will use my frustrations as a learning tool. I feel that in some way that this blog could be used as a learning tool for other to see that they aren’t alone in the college world or just world in general.  That there is always someone out there experiencing the same struggle or maybe even worse. I always remind myself when I get down in the dumps or disappointed about something that didn’t go my way, that many people out there don’t even have the opportunity to be disappointed in what I was even expecting to happen, because for them it’s just not possible. Someone out there is always in a worse situation than you. So don’t take anything for granted. Thank God every day for everything you have, because he didn’t forget to wake you up this morning.

More tips coming soon: Location settings when posting to social networks and sanitary food storage.

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Power Bills and Electricity Ediquette

One topic that is constantly on my mind and I know on the mind of many others is the power bill. I’m one of the lucky ones and I have my water, cable, and internet included in my rent. For me though like many other students out there I am personally paying for my apartment with the money I make by working.

One month ago I got my first power bill. My roommate and I split the bill 50/50 but when I got the bill for “my half” I almost had a heart attack. The bill was about $30 ($15 each) over the usual estimated cost! “Why could that be?” I thought to myself. “I’m usually very cautious about turning lights off and unplugging things I am not using.” I began to think back on the things that could be the problem. I’m not saying it’s not all me but I noticed that my roommate has horrid “electricity ediquette.” So I’ve done some research and through my own personal observations, I’ve compiled a list of some things one could do to help save a little electricity.

Power saving tips for college…

For those college kids lucky enough to pay a power bill every month here are a few energy-saving tips that can save you some money.


Most important thing is turn off ALL lights when leaving a room!!!

That little “night light” in the hallway or living room you “need” to see at night? Trash it… no one actually uses it. All it does is suck energy 24/7. Even when you think it’s ‘off’ it is still pulling energy costing you $$$.

No need to leave 5 different lights on at night when you are going out. If you have an alarm system then what’s the need for everyone thinking you’re there. (Safety Tip: Many criminals don’t care if anyone is home or not. Always set you’re alarm if you have one and make sure you always lock your door.)

If you must leave on a light try using a low energy lamp with an energy efficient light bulb.

Use compact fluorescent bulbs.

Clean your light fixtures regularly.

Kick out those Fans… no not football fans

When you leave for the weekend or just for the day, take a moment to bump up the thermostat a bit. Your wallet (or your parents wallets) will thank you.

Turn your ceiling fans off when you don’t need to use them.

If you are living in an upstairs apartment with no ceiling fan I understand it can get a little toasty. If you have a portable fan great, but running the air conditioner and the fan at the same time defeats the purpose of turning on the air conditioner.

Keep window open when possible to help circulate air when the weather permits. I prefer when it’s starting to cool off or warm up (you know the days I’m talking about those crisp fall/spring days that make you want to go play some football or run through the wild flowers).

Cut off that air/heat. Try to keep the temperature as comfortable as possible during the day/night without constantly running a fan, heater, or air conditioner.

UNPLUG IT! That’s right folks… if you’re not using it unplug it! Unplug all those computer, tablet, mp3, and phone cords that are not charging anything. Even though it is not hooked to an appliance it still pulls power. That power is charged on your bill even though you didn’t use it.

Wash and dry as much as you can together. Most people don’t have the advantage of energy-saving appliances in college. Most are like mine, which are what I call power suckers. Don’t wash unnecessary loads.

Don’t forget to clean out the lint filter every time you use the dryer.

Hang it up to dry. If possible hang as much out to dry as you can. This can lengthen the life of your clothing and save a little energy so you don’t have to run the dryer.

So folks what do you think? Gonna cut down on your energy use? I hope so! Just think about all the things you could use that saved money on? Hello drink specials (Of course I mean coffee or soda sales at the local supermarket) , or maybe that new dress you saw window shopping.

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Starting Fresh.

I can’t believe I’m actually writing my first blog post!!! I have wanted to start a blog for quite some time. It wasn’t until I moved away from home to continue my college career that it became clear on what I wanted to write about. I am new to this so please bear with me. Also, I’m no English scholar so expect a mess-up or two.

First let me introduce myself…

I am considering doing this blog anonymously.  I want to keep my name out of this because in the event that people I do know find this they will not know who I am talking about if I use a friend or foe as an example. If I do use a person from my life I will change the name to insure their own privacy aswell as mine.  I will tell you that I am a junior in college and I love my school. While living at home, I started off at a smaller college a few years ago. I decided it would be best if I broadened my horizons and move to my dream college. I can’t express how much I love it here!

What I want to write…

My vision for this blog is to  discuss thing that people who are in college encounter. Whether you are living at home or 500 miles away I want to touch on topics that anyone can relate to while trying to get a degree. I hope to use my own experiences to add a personal touch to the topics that I touch on.

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